Watch Dr. Randall's New Video on Receiving Revival
Thank you for visiting us today. We bless you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Invisible War Radio Ministry is dedicated to the belief that Jesus Christ is still doing for people what He came to do over 2000 years ago.
Jesus said in Luke Chapter 4 that He was the fulfillment of God’s promise of a coming Messiah who would have the power to save, to heal and to deliver.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are downtrodden,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."
Only Jesus Christ can Save from the destruction of Sin, only Jesus Christ can Heal broken hearts, and only Jesus Christ can Set us Free from spiritual bondage.
Remember, it was for freedom Christ came to set us free -Gal. 5:1. It is our prayer that you would receive Christ today and allow Him to heal your wounds and set you free from the bondages of sin. Please don’t settle for anything less than the freedom that was purchased by Christ Jesus at Calvary for you.
Tell someone today about our wonderful deliverer the Lord Jesus Christ. And thank you for your prayers and support foe the Radio Ministry of The Invisible War.
Please let us know how we can serve you.

About Dr.
Rob Randall
Rob Randall is a third generation evangelist...Saved at age 6…Called to Preach at age 10... Ordained at the
First Baptist Church in Dallas.
Rob has conducted over 700 crusades and evangelistic campaigns across America and around the world…
In 2019, Dr. Randall celebrated 50 years in The Gospel Ministry. Holds B.A., M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees from Baylor University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and
Louisiana Baptist University.
Rob Served as President of The Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists, largest fellowship of vocational
evangelists in the world..
He received National Council of Jaycees' Outstanding Young Men of America Award...
Listed in "Who's Who in American Christian Leadership"...
Served on North American
Mission Board Evangelism Staff, SBC.
Rob received the W. Fred Swank Evangelism Award (Outstanding Graduate) at Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary for contribution in the field of evangelism...
Witnessing: A Way of Life
(Criterion Publications)
The Invisible War: Living in Victory Over the Enemy
and LIES THAT KILL: The Supernatural Battle for TRUTH
(21st Century Press).
Rob and his wife Pattie have been married for 47 years. They have three children and ten grandchildren.
Though called to be an evangelist, has a pastor's heart and has himself been a successful pastor...Dr. Rob Randall loves and understands pastors and local churches. II Timothy 4:5

Year Established
Churches Served
Years On Air
Lives Touched for The Kingdom

Contact us by Email, Telephone or Regular mail
We take our ministry responsibility very seriously. While our aim is to make our website easy to understand, and navigate we know there are times when you may need a bit of assistance.
We have provided a number of ways for our Ministry Team to help you:
For Prayer Requests:
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For questions to Rob
We will respond to you within 24 hours, during regular business hours. All email correspondence is completely confidential. You may also use our toll free telephone support center at 1.877.808.8886 to contact a ministry representative during regular business hours. If one is not available at the time of your call, please leave a detailed message for the purpose of your call.
You can also contact us by mailing your requests and contributions to:
Rob Randall Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 5
McKinney, TX 75070
Your Donation to Rob Randall Evangelistic Ministries will be an eternal investment in to the souls of men.
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